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Congressman Kennedy Outraged By Inspector General Report On Buffalo VA; Calls for Congressional Investigation

At Kennedy’s Urging, VA Under Secretary for Health Will Visit Buffalo Hospital Next Week to Directly Inspect Conditions

Congressman Tim Kennedy (NY-26), a member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement, expressing outrage over the findings in a report issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (VA OIG) related to the mistreatment of veterans at the Buffalo VA Medical Center:  

“The egregious neglect and failure of the Buffalo VA leadership outlined in this report is infuriating and inexcusable. Their repeated inattention to provider and patient outcries has led to American heroes being abandoned by a system meant to serve and protect them. This is a complete disgrace and a betrayal to the women and men who have made incredible sacrifices to safeguard our nation. 

“Immediate reforms are necessary to ensure that Western New York veterans receive the care, support, and respect they have earned and deserve. Implementing the recommendations in the report is a first step. I am calling for further Congressional oversight, up to and including an investigation, to ensure this failure in care never happens again.

“I will not rest until the Buffalo VA has the leadership, staff, facilities, and funding in place to deliver the care that our veterans who have sacrificed so much for our country have earned and deserved.”

The OIG report, entitled “Leaders Failed to Address Community Care Consult Delays Despite Staff’s Advocacy Efforts at VA Western New York Healthcare System in Buffalo,” found in part: 

  • Veterans’ Health Was Compromised - Delays in scheduling patients’ radiation therapy and neurosurgery appointments resulted in delays in care, and in some cases, either caused or increased the risk of patient harm.
  • Buffalo VA Leadership Failed Veterans - The OIG found system and community care leaders failed to address and resolve delays in care concerns repeatedly brought to their attention by multiple providers and staff. 

Additional Information: 

In August amid allegations of delayed care and misconduct, Buffalo VA Medical Center administrators were dismissed from their positions. After learning of the removal, Congressman Kennedy visited the hospital to meet with interim leadership and to discuss how the VA would take corrective action to ensure quality care for local veterans.  

Kennedy then took his fight to Washington, demanding answers during a Veterans’ Affairs Committee Hearing from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General Michael Missal and securing a commitment from VA Under Secretary for Health Dr. Shereef Elnahal to visit the Buffalo VA Hospital.

The VA Under Secretary has confirmed with Congressman Kennedy that he will visit the Buffalo VA Medical Center next week. 

A copy of the report may be found at: 

