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Press Releases

Rep. Tim Kennedy’s First Piece of Legislation Clears Crucial Committee Hurdle


H.R. 8662, the TSA Commute Fairness Act, Will Help Ensure that Hardworking TSA Employees Are Compensated for Commutes Between Airport Parking Lots and Duty Stations, Which Can Often be Miles Apart


Bill Requires TSA to Consider Feasibility of Using Mobile Phones and Location Data to Allow Employees to Clock In and Out of Work from Parking Lots and Bus Stops


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Tim Kennedy (D-NY-26) announced his first piece of legislation has cleared a crucial hurdle, moving through the markup process in the Committee on Homeland Security. The legislation, H.R. 8662, the TSA Commute Fairness Act, will direct the Transportation Security Administration to engage in a feasibility study of allowing employees to clock in and out of work from airport parking lots and bus and transit stops. According to the Government Accountability Office, Transportation Security Officers, or TSOs, can have commutes from parking lots to their duty station that can take as long as 45 minutes due to the significant distance of some lots that are designated for employee use. This study will help both TSA and Congress gain insight into ways to address these challenges and the potential costs and benefits of pursuing a new, innovative program for TSA employees. The bill is expected to be moved to the Floor for a vote by the House of Representatives in the coming weeks.


“As former Chair of the State Senate Transportation Committee and a frequent patron of our state’s and nation’s airports, I have seen firsthand the challenges faced by TSA employees as they work to screen millions of passengers daily while keeping our aviation systems secure,” said Representative Kennedy. “Anyone who has parked at one of the outer lots of an airport knows the hassle of getting to the terminal in a timely manner. Airport employees often are provided with lots that are even further than those used by the general public, and they deserve compensation for that time-consuming on-site commute. I want to thank my colleagues on the Committee on Homeland Security for recognizing the hard work done by our TSA employees every day and passing this legislation to begin the process of ensuring fair pay.”


“TSA employees deserve fair compensation for their time on airport property,” said AFGE TSA Council 100 President Hydrick Thomas. “Congressman Kennedy’s legislation is an important step in ensuring that our 45,000 members are made whole for their on-site commutes. Our members keep our skies safe each and every day and deserve to be recognized for their hard work.”


Kennedy was appointed to the Committee on Homeland Security soon after being elected to the House of Representatives. Since joining the committee, Kennedy has taken an active role in committee and subcommittee hearings, tying the committee’s jurisdiction to his prior experience as Chair of the New York State Senate Transportation Committee and to the needs of Western New Yorkers. A companion bill to the TSA Commute Fairness Act is expected to be introduced in the Senate shortly.

