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Congressman Kennedy Announces $493,910 for University of Buffalo to Improve Workplaces for BIPOC Library Professionals

Funding, From The Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, Will Go Toward Researching The Workplace Experiences of Library And Information Science Professionals Who Are BIPOC And First-Generation In Order To Strengthen Inclusivity and Diversity

BUFFALO, NY—Today, Congressman Tim Kennedy released the following statement after announcing $493,910 for the University of Buffalo to research the workplace experiences of library and information science (LIS) professionals who are BIPOC and first generation in order to improve workplace experiences.  

“Today’s funding will help empower library and information science professionals from all backgrounds and ensure our libraries, which are special places for learning and community, are a rewarding place to work, no matter one’s background,” Congressman Kennedy said. 

The findings of the project will be used to inform graduate programs and professional association initiatives, enabling them to provide support to first-generation professionals. It will also help to inform managers and supervisors of the unique challenges faced by these groups as they enter a professional workplace and help to give voice to first-generation professionals to share their strategies for success and build community.


National Leadership Grants for Libraries supports projects that develop, enhance, or disseminate replicable practices, programs, models, or tools to strengthen library and archival services for the American public. 

The program supports projects that:

  • Serve the learning needs of the public through libraries and archives;
  • Improve community well-being through libraries and archives;
  • Provide broad access to and preservation of information and collections through libraries and archives; or
  • Provide services to affected communities in the event of an emergency or disaster.
