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Congressman Kennedy’s Amendment Addressing Harmful Algal Blooms Included in Appropriations Bill, Garnering Support from Water Advocates

Congressman Kennedy’s Amendment Adopted to Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2025 The Amendment Would Provide $5 Million for Research Activities and Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms in Freshwater Bodies

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Congressman Tim Kennedy (NY-26) released the following statement on his amendment to the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2025 to address harmful algal blooms (HABs). Specifically, the amendment would increase the environmental health account by $5 million for research activities for harmful algal blooms in freshwater bodies.

“The health and economic prosperity of my district, which has coastlines along Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the Niagara River, is deeply intertwined with the health of the Great Lakes,” Congressman Kennedy said. “The Great Lakes are a source of fresh water, leisure, recreation, jobs, and economic activity for people in Buffalo and Niagara Falls. But harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the region, and across the United States, threaten public health, aquatic life, and our economy. My amendment would provide an additional $5 million to the U.S. Geological Survey to research and monitor HABs in freshwater bodies. Continued federal investment in researching HABs must be a top priority to protect our precious natural resources, tourism economies, aquatic life, and public health.” 


Harmful algal blooms (HABs) consisting of patches of cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, can produce harmful toxins that damage public health and aquatic life and negatively impact economic activity along coastlines. In New York’s 26th Congressional District, there are six active blooms according to the New York State Department of Conservation, including multiple in Tonawanda Creek and Ellicott Creek. 

To view HABs in New York State, click here.  


After the amendment was adopted on the House floor, clean water advocates voiced their support for the amendment. 

Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper

“Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper and our volunteer citizen scientists have been on the front lines for years in Western New York observing our waterways, collecting and analyzing samples, and alerting our partnering agencies about increasing incidences of Harmful Algal Blooms,” Executive Director Jill Jedlicka said. “Communities affected by HABs need additional support to monitor and minimize the risk to people, pets and wildlife, and we applaud Congressman Kennedy for his call to increase federal investment in the study and prevention of HABs. The integrity of our Great Lakes and freshwater systems are directly connected to public safety, ecological health and economic stability, and we support any effort to invest in the research and monitoring of this growing challenge.”

New York League of Conservation Voters 

“Congratulations to Rep. Tim Kennedy on passing an amendment to provide $5 million to research harmful algal blooms  in freshwater bodies, where they deplete oxygen, kill fish and curb biodiversity,” Julie Tighe, President of the New York League of Conservation Voters said. “This is a practical example of the federal government stepping up to improve our environment in New York State and we’re thrilled to see Rep. Kennedy hit the ground running in Washington in such an impactful way.”

League of Conservation Voters 

“We appreciate Congressman Kennedy’s leadership in elevating the need to address harmful algal blooms. These blooms threaten drinking water and our beaches, harm wildlife, deny families the ability to enjoy many recreational activities, and have significant negative economic impacts.”

Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE)

“Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are occurring more frequently and are a critical threat to our drinking water, public health, aquatic life, and recreational opportunities in freshwater systems throughout New York and the nation,” Brian Smith, Associate Executive Director said. “HABs have been responsible for killing birds, fish, and even family pets. We simply can’t afford to wait to invest in the research and monitoring needed to better understand and prevent HABs. CCE applauds Representative Kennedy for his leadership to fight for the funding needed to protect the health of our Great Lakes and other invaluable freshwater resources from this growing threat.”

Environmental Advocates NY

"Harmful algal blooms are one of the greatest threats to water quality in New York today,” Rob Hayes, Senior Director of Clean Water, said. “HABs make swimming dangerous, threaten drinking water quality, and harm aquatic life. We greatly appreciate Congressman Kennedy's advocacy for more research funding to better understand HABs and how we can prevent them. We hope that this important initiative to protect clean water will be included in the final Interior Appropriations bill."

National Audubon Society 

“Harmful algal blooms are negatively impacting birds and people throughout New York State, and we need to act now to address this growing threat,” Erin McGrath, Policy Director, New York State, said. “Toxic bacteria produced by HABs can cause birds and other wildlife to fall ill, and fish die-offs can cause critical food shortages for migrating and breeding birds. New Yorkers are also put at risk when HABs contaminate drinking water and cause water-borne illnesses. We are grateful for Congressman Kennedy's advocacy for increased funds to research and monitor HABs and their impacts on New York State’s waters.”
