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Congressman Kennedy Defends Medicaid Alongside WNY Healthcare, Labor, Community, and Elected Leaders

Kennedy To Republicans in Congress: “Hands Off Our Healthcare”

BUFFALO, NY — Congressman Tim Kennedy (NY-26) joined Western New York leaders to address the dire threat to Medicaid posed by the recent Republican budget resolution. The House-passed budget puts $880 billion of healthcare funding on the chopping block. Kennedy and other leaders emphasized the devastating impact these cuts would have on 5.5 million New Yorkers and 80 million Americans nationwide, including children, families, seniors, and individuals with disabilities.

“In the face of the largest cut to Medicaid in history, I stand with Western New York leaders to defend against the Republicans' attack on our healthcare system, and to protect those who depend on this lifesaving program," said Congressman Kennedy. "In my district alone, Medicaid is a lifeline for hundreds of thousands of our most vulnerable citizens—our parents and grandparents, our children, and our loved ones with disabilities. We will not stand idly by as Republicans attempt to decimate these vital safety net services so they can give tax cuts to the rich. Their plan to sacrifice healthcare is dangerous and reckless. Our message is clear: hands off our healthcare!”

(Congressman Kennedy stands with WNY leaders to defend Medicaid from disastrous cuts.)

Healthcare, labor, community, and elected leaders across Western New York joined Congressman Kennedy to fight against Medicaid cuts that would decimate healthcare options for hardworking families. 

“As the ONLY children’s safety net hospital in Western New York, the team of dedicated healthcare workers at Oishei Children’s Hospital care for over 15,000 patients admitted to this building every year,” said Stephen Turkovich, MD, President, Oishei Children’s Hospital. “In addition, annually we provide care for over 47,000 visits to our emergency room, almost 100,000 visits to our primary care and specialty clinics, and almost 10,000 visits to our pediatric mental and behavioral health center. Sixty to 70 percent of our patients receive health insurance through Medicaid. In our primary care centers, that number increases to over 90 percent. We need a robust and sustained funding plan supported by Medicaid to ensure that we can collectively and effectively address the social determinants of health for our community’s kids and families. Every child deserves the chance to grow and thrive to reach their full potential.”

“Unfortunately, the medical, social, mental health and economic challenges facing the individuals and families of our community have never been greater and continue to grow,” said Don Boyd, President and CEO, Kaleida Health. “Patients living in poverty and those with disabilities rely on support and services funded by Medicaid. Cuts to Medicaid would be detrimental to our patients’ ability to access vital care that supports their health and wellbeing. We have a duty to ensure that our critical healthcare system is strong, sustainable and ready to serve our community.”

“Every human being deserves access to quality, affordable healthcare,” said Joyce A. Markiewicz, President and CEO of Catholic Health. “Medicaid supports our most vulnerable neighbors: new mothers, children, the elderly in our nursing homes and people with substance use disorders. I thank Rep. Kennedy for standing up for our patients.”

Dr. Michael Cummings, Associate Medical Director, Erie County Medical Center said, “As our region’s Level 1 Adult Trauma Center and largest safety net hospital, any reduction in Medicaid reimbursements from the federal government will have a very harmful impact on our most vulnerable patients and could lead to a reduction of services. We are already under-reimbursed for emergency services, primary care, and mental health services, so we are very thankful to Congressman Kennedy for helping the community understand the impact of these cuts.”

“These proposed Medicaid cuts will directly harm the health and well-being of patients served at community health centers across the country,” said Dr. LaVonne Ansari, PhD, CEO/Executive Director, Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. “At the Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc., more than 70% of our patients rely on Medicaid for essential medical, dental, and behavioral healthcare, among other critical services. Cuts this drastic will not only reduce access to care for children who need check-ups and vaccinations; adults managing diabetes, high blood pressure, and in need of cancer screenings; and seniors who rely on treatment for chronic conditions and life-saving medications – but they will also strain the ability of health centers like ours to continue providing high-quality, affordable care for all. Medicaid is a lifeline for families in our community. We remain committed to working with Congress and our healthcare partners to protect Medicaid and ensure continued access to care for those who need it most.”

"The US House of Representatives budget resolution to cut Medicaid funding by $880 billion would result in devastating consequences for millions of people, including thousands of Evergreen Health patients," said Ray Ganoe, President and CEO, Evergreen Health. "Evergreen Health does not turn patients away from unconditional care based on their inability to pay and the potential cut to funding endangers the health and wellness of Western New York and communities across the nation. We urge Congress to protect Medicaid to ensure funding for the most vulnerable populations." 

“This isn’t about waste, fraud, or abuse. It’s about priorities,” said Peter De Jesús Jr., President, Western New York Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO. “The same people pushing these Medicaid cuts are the ones who had no problem handing out trillions in tax breaks to billionaires and big businesses. But when it comes to healthcare for struggling families, they suddenly become fiscal hawks. Western New York’s healthcare workforce is standing up against these cuts so that we can provide the care our communities need.”

“This is an attack on our most vulnerable residents and on our large senior population,” said New York State Senator April Baskin. “This is an attack not only on our frontline health care workers but also on hospitals and on those who work in the industry. This is not a financial choice by the President and Congress, but rather a moral decision. Federal leaders believe providing healthcare isn’t the right thing to do. But we know that health care is a human right. And we will fight for that right.”

Assemblymember Jon D. Rivera said, “Medicaid coverage crosses political aisles and boundaries because it’s effective. It works in protecting our neighbors and our family members when they’re at their most vulnerable. The proposed cuts to the Medicaid program led by the Trump administration and a GOP-led Congress are unacceptable. This is a program that covers one in three Erie County residents, 36 percent of which are children or under the age of 20. Families are already struggling. The last thing we should be doing is cutting lifesaving access to healthcare and medications. I thank Congressman Kennedy and every other representative fighting to protect this vital program that saves American lives.”

"At a time when families across our country are facing affordability challenges, it is unconscionable to consider cutting access to essential safety net programs and the health care everyone deserves,” said Assemblymember Bill Conrad. “This proposal in the House budget will spell disaster for Americans, especially the most vulnerable among us. I thank Congressman Kennedy for leading this honorable and critical fight for us all here in Western New York."

“Cutting $880 billion in Medicaid funding over the next decade would have devastating consequences for our most vulnerable communities,” said Buffalo Common Council Majority Leader Leah M. Halton-Pope. “These cuts threaten access to essential healthcare services, putting children, seniors, and working families at risk. I stand united with Congressman Tim Kennedy, healthcare providers, and organized labor to oppose these reckless efforts and to protect the health and well-being of all residents.

“The ill-advised proposed cuts to Medicaid are a pathetic attempt to strip our neediest citizens of the menial wealth that they still possess and hand it over to the ultra wealthy as a tax-cut,” said Pastor Kinzer Pointer, ECMC Board Member. “We stand on our feet and shout unequivocally: ‘Hell, NO!’”

“Anyone who understands the struggles of the poor and working class knows that Medicaid is one of the most important resources to provide access to lifesaving healthcare for our neighbors,” said Pastor George Nicholas of the Buffalo Center for Health Equity. “Cutting Medicaid is not only cruel but it is shortsighted public policy.”

“Cuts to Medicaid negatively impact many of our most vulnerable and marginalized community members, literally putting their lives at risk,” said Thomas Beauford, Jr., CEO and President, Buffalo Urban League. 

“The recently passed House of Representatives’ budget calls for $1.5 trillion in cuts over ten years and includes $880 billion cuts in spending  targeting Medicaid,” said Renae Kimble, President, NAACP, Niagara Falls Branch. “These massive cuts are beyond devastating, they are lethal…lethal to the lives of the most vulnerable; people of color, people with disabilities, the elderly and our children will no longer have a social safety net intact if these cuts are allowed to stand. Any reduction in Medicaid will lead to poorer health outcomes for the millions of Americans who need healthcare the most. Medicaid provides the necessary support for the elderly living in nursing homes, people with disabilities who are living in their community of choice instead of being institutionalized, and our children who receive  comprehensive health care services in order to learn in a safe school environment. Millions of jobs will be lost by employees who provide direct care services to our vulnerable populations. And for what? So that billionaires can continue to receive tax breaks at the expense of the needy. Invest in the needy, not the greedy. Protect Medicaid, protect the people, and reject these Medicaid cuts to much needed services that will negatively impact our quality of life.”

City of Buffalo Mayor Christopher P. Scanlon said, “The proposed $880 billion Medicaid cut is not just a budget issue—it’s a direct threat to Buffalo’s workforce, healthcare system, and the well-being of our most vulnerable residents. Nearly 40% of our community relies on Medicaid for essential medical care, and these cuts could mean job losses, reduced services, and potential facility closures. I stand with Congressman Kennedy, our healthcare professionals, the hardworking men and women of organized labor, and colleagues in government to say: that we must reject these reckless cuts and protect the care that thousands of Buffalo families depend on.”

“This week, the House passed a resolution to cut $880 billion from Medicaid over the next decade, a reckless move that will devastate nearly 80 million Americans,” said Erie County Legislator Taisha St. Jean Tard. “This is not just a numbers game—this is about the lives of people who rely on Medicaid for their healthcare, many of whom can’t afford any other option. These cuts will rip apart the safety net for our most vulnerable, including children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Medicaid isn’t just a program—it’s a lifeline. Cutting it will not only harm individuals, but it will cripple hospitals, nursing homes, and community health centers that depend on these reimbursements to serve the public. We cannot stand by while these essential services are dismantled. As the representative for District 2 and on behalf of Erie County, I will not let this happen. I stand firmly with Congressman Tim Kennedy and will fight tooth and nail to protect Medicaid for more than 240,000 people in our community who depend on it. We cannot and will not allow this to stand.”

"Medicaid is a lifeline for thousands of Erie County residents—working families, seniors, children, and people with disabilities who rely on this essential program for their healthcare,” said Erie County Legislator Lawrence Dupre. “The proposed cuts coming out of Washington threaten to rip that safety net away, leaving our most vulnerable neighbors at risk. I stand with Congressman Kennedy in opposing these reckless cuts and call on our federal leaders to protect the healthcare of those who need it most. We cannot allow partisan politics to come before people’s health and well-being.

“Cuts to Medicaid funding, as proposed by Republican Lawmakers, are cruel and unnecessary. Medicaid recipients comprise some of our most vulnerable populations. Children, the elderly, and individuals with long-term illness or disabilities. These cuts will put the health and lives of thousands of New York State residents, and millions of Americans, in jeopardy," said Deputy Erie County Executive Lisa Chimera. "I stand with Congressman Kennedy and all Americans who understand that we are a stronger nation when we work together, look out for each other, and have compassion for the people in our communities.”


On February 25, the Republican budget resolution passed in the U.S. House of Representatives by a final vote of 217 to 215, and contains $4.5 trillion in tax breaks, a $4 trillion debt limit increase, and $1.5 trillion in spending cuts, including a $880 billion cut to programs within the jurisdiction of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which oversees healthcare programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Kennedy voted against the proposal.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, in New York’s 26th Congressional District, under this proposal, 285,000 people are at risk of losing Medicaid coverage, including 110,000 children. According to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, Medicaid provides 29,000 seniors over 65 with coverage in New York’s 26th Congressional District and is the primary payer for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities nationwide, covering one-quarter of total spending 

This plan would also impact the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance accessibility. Under the Republican budget plan, the 10,000 people who receive coverage under the ACA in NY-26 would see their average premium go up by $1,670 per year — a 35% increase. Many families would face even steeper consequences. For example, a 60-year-old couple with a household income of $85,000 in NY-26 would see their health insurance costs increase by $4,116 per year — a 57% increase in premiums. For more information, click here

