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On the Second Anniversary of 5/14 Attack, Rep. Tim Kennedy Leads Floor Proceedings Honoring Memories of Those Killed, Calls for Action to Address Gun Violence

In 30-Minute Special Order Proceeding, Kennedy is Joined by Congressman James Clyburn to Commemorate Lives List

Calling on Congress to Unite to Protect Americans, Kennedy Co-Sponsors Package of Seven Gun Safety Bills

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Tim Kennedy (D-Buffalo) was joined Tuesday evening by Congressman James Clyburn to commemorate the second anniversary of the 5/14 attack on the Jefferson Avenue Tops Supermarket in Buffalo, New York. The attack, a hate crime that took the lives of ten innocent people, was perpetrated by a white supremacist who traveled to Buffalo and targeted the grocery store because it was located in a Black majority neighborhood. Kennedy led the House of Representatives in a moment of silence honoring those whose lives were stolen. He appealed to his colleagues to recognize that gun violence is tearing communities apart across the nation, in red and blue states and in urban, suburban, and rural communities. Co-sponsoring a package of seven gun safety bills, Kennedy called for action to address the ongoing epidemic of gun violence that continues to be unique to America.


“In the two years since the 5/14 attack, senseless mass shootings have continued throughout the nation,” said Congressman Tim Kennedy. “More cities and families have endured the pain of burying their loved one due to gun violence. Action is long overdue, and public safety is not a partisan issue. We can never bring back those we lost on 5/14, but we can take action now to save lives moving forward. We owe it to the families who have experienced so much pain.”

“The second anniversary of the tragic events in Buffalo serves as a solemn reminder of the impact of hate-fueled violence, not just on individuals, but on the fabric of our communities,” said Congressman James E. Clyburn. “We felt a similar pain in South Carolina in 2015 when a white supremacist attacked Mother Emanuel AME Church, which he targeted for its historical significance. We must come together to stamp out hatred and address the all-too-easy access to weapons of war that’s taken the lives of far too many.”

The 5/14 shooting took the lives of ten people, all of whom were Black. Each of them had families that have been left heartbroken. They were murdered solely because of the color of their skin. Their names are:

Celestine Chaney

Roberta A. Drury

Andre Mackniel

Katherine Massey

Margus D. Morrison

Heyward Patterson

Aaron Salter Jr.

Geraldine Talley

Ruth Whitfield

Pearl Young


Kennedy has co-sponsored the following legislation:


H.R. 715 - Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2023

Sponsored by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R)


H.R. 698 - Assault Weapons Ban of 2023

Sponsored by Rep. Lucy McBath (D)


H.R. 2403 - Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2023

Sponsored by Rep. James E. Clyburn (D)


H.R. 3247 - Aaron Salter, Jr., Responsible Body Armor Possession Act

Sponsored by Rep. Grace Meng (D)


H.R. 4172 - Hate Crimes Commission Act

Sponsored by Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D)


H.Res.413 - Resolution Condemning the Great Replacement Theory

Sponsored by Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D)


H.R. 4184 - Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act of 2023

Sponsored by Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D)
