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Congressman Kennedy Named to Veterans’ Affairs Committee

Congressman Kennedy Named to Veterans’ Affairs Committee

Washington, DC—Today, Congressman Tim Kennedy (NY-26), House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY-8), and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Mark Takano (CA-39) released the following statements after Congressman Kennedy was named to the Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

“There is no greater honor than to serve those who have served this nation,” Congressman Kennedy said. “After sacrificing to preserve America’s freedoms, veterans too often return home and face hurdles to secure the benefits they have earned. I am committed to strengthening veterans’ access to healthcare, education, and initiatives that help servicemembers reenter civil life and secure good-paying jobs and high quality of life.”

"I am pleased to announce that Congressman Tim Kennedy has been appointed to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs," House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries said. “There is no greater responsibility than to be there for the people who have been there for our country. Tim’s experience as an occupational therapist will bring an invaluable perspective to the work of this important Committee. I look forward to working together to serve and improve the lives of veterans across New York and our nation.”

“As the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, I am excited to have Representative Timothy Kennedy join our Committee,” Ranking Member Takano said. “Rep. Kennedy’s background and perspective as an occupational therapist will be a welcome addition as we work to help veterans overcome illnesses, injuries or disabilities and regain or maintain quality of life. I look forward to working with Rep. Kennedy to best serve the veterans of New York’s 26th District.”


According to the United States Census Bureau, New York’s 26th Congressional District is home to 31,938 veterans. The district includes numerous U.S. veteran and military resources including the VA Medical Center, two VA Health Clinics, the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, the Buffalo Vet Center, and the Buffalo VA Regional Benefit Office.

Rep. Kennedy is also a member of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

