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Press Releases

In Letter to Bishop Fisher, Congressman Kennedy Urges Reversal of Community Concert Cancellation Due to Participation of Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus

Kennedy Calls on Diocese to Embrace Diversity and Acceptance as Taught by Jesus and to Lead Through Tolerance and Love


Kennedy: “The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus Should be Celebrated”


BUFFALO, N.Y. - In a letter to Bishop Michael Fisher of the Diocese of Buffalo, Congressman Tim Kennedy has called for the reversal of the decision to cancel the Summer Choir Festival at St. Joseph Cathedral due to the participation of the Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus, which the diocese has publicly described as “a group whose values are inconsistent with Catholic teaching.” Kennedy’s letter urges the diocese to embrace diversity and acceptance, as taught by Jesus, and to help build a world centered on love. The letter further details that this decision is antithetical to the Church’s own teachings, citing Jesus’ directive to “Walk with me.” Lastly, Kennedy states that in the shadow of the 5/14 attack, which was rooted in intolerance, our region must prioritize a sense of love and belonging for all.


"Growing up Catholic, the most important lesson taught to me and my siblings was the importance of helping people, to do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” said Congressman Kennedy. “Our job is to help those who are in need, to stand up for those who are forgotten by society, and to build a better world based on love and understanding. This can be summed up by Mark 12:31: You must love your neighbor as yourself. It is my hope that the diocese will embrace this view as well and reverse this decision."


The Buffalo Gay Men’s Chorus first concert was held in 2002. Since then, they have performed in multiple states and provinces, singing in English, French, Italian, Latin, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Zulu, and Swahili. They have been recognized with numerous awards, including the Buffalo and Erie County Arts Council Award, and the Chorus has participated in benefit concerts for numerous causes, including domestic violence awareness, fundraising for Buffalo Police Officer Patricia Parete, and for roof repairs for Blessed Trinity Roman Catholic Church.


Kennedy’s letter is attached.